Let's Vote, Cassie in all black, and One big beautiful braid!!

Exercise your right to vote!
 Today I feel like encouraging everyone to Get out and Vote!  Make sure you are registered in your state.  I used Rock the Vote to take care of all my voting requirements. It's your right, regardless of your political persuasion, we all have a right and a duty to place our vote in the box to determine the outcome of our futures. Let's use it.

Now... on to some fun stuff! This outfit ROCKS! I'm not sure who Cassie is other than she sings, but I love her style (when she has on clothes Lol!). She's absolutely beautiful. "Rumor" has it that she's
P. Diddy's new girl.... girl.... girl... girl... :)

Cassie is wearing the heck out of these pants! Luv! <3

SNIP SNIP or Buzz Buzz.... it's gone. :(

AND how much do I love this BIG pretty braid?!?!?!?! I love the mix of the two colors against each other and how they are placed right about the ear line   Doesn't she have beautiful hair? I would wear this out shopping on a warm day or you can JAZZ up your accessories and wear it in a formal setting... Bam!

Back view. Cute Tat! (I'm scared of needles!)

Front View... so neat and classy
Ciao bella!! 

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