Death does something really strange to me. I know that we all grieve and mourn differently. When those moments have occurred in my life, I choose solitude over the comfort of being around others. I'd rather not discuss what has happened, but reflect inwardly on their life and our times together. It works best for me. However, when the death occurs in the family of someone you love dearly, I have no idea what to do. Do you call, visit, send flowers or what? My friends father passed and I must admit, I hurt for her more than I've hurt for anyone in awhile. She no longer has either one of her parents with her. How must that feel? I'm blessed that both of my parents are still with me today. I can call, visit and even send them flowers. I've been told that the loss of a parent is something that only those who've experienced it can explain. Or rather not explain.
Because I'm at a loss for words, I found this quote from a site that has zillions of poems for all occasions. I pray for peace and comfort for anyone who has lost a parent. No matter the reason or cause; their is now a void where their was once life and that alone is reason for God's intervention.
"A death in the family leaves a void that cannot be filled. No one can ever take the place of this individual in the world. We should not try to comfort the family by saying that "it was his time anyway", or, "he was suffering". These may be words of comfort later. However, there must be time to mourn the fact that things will never be the same. One minute he was here and now he is gone. The human mind must be allowed to sit with this reality. Mourning is a necessary part of the human experience. If it is ignored, a general feeling of sadness may pervade the whole family."
Source: Poems about Death and Family
2 Cor. 1:3-5
Surrounded by friends
yet all alone
the one I loved
God has called home
the hugs of friends
helps ease the pain
and I know my loss
is my loved one's gain
but tears now flow
across my face
as I long for just
one more embrace
then comfort comes
and I see Christ's face
He hugs my loved one
and I feel God's grace.