People didn't understand my decision and that's justifiable because I admit I didn't understand it myself. I just knew that I had to go. I had to leave Texas. It wasn't about a man or a mouse; but about me. I'd always wanted to move away and see what was "out there". If there was something better, greater, more appealing than what I'd grown used to for the 43 years I've been on this earth. But then again, I honestly just needed to get away. :)
And so I ventured out with my heart in my hands... God leading... while I consulted with my GPS for directions. It's been a 3 month journey that has been very interesting and full of discovering just who Sheila is. I used my blog to post things that were on my mind and in my heart... I journaled more... read more... understood more. I began to consult with God more than I ever have in my life... I began to listen to the beat of my heart more closely... I could hear my thoughts... my cries... feel myself inhale and exhale... sometimes... almost... audibly. I began to see my life clearer than ever. I came to peace with who I am and discovered that I march to the beat of my own drums.
I can honestly say that it has been great...I met so so many people... honed my craft as a stylist, gained new energy for my career and realized that I am actually great at what I do! I fell deeper in love with Christ... leaning and depending on Him for every move I made, calling on Him when it would become so achingly lonely... and laughing when He would renew my strength after I thought I couldn't make it another day. I re-discovered the ministry that God placed in me when I was in the 8th grade... I've got to get busy and be about His business! I also discovered that every state I visited brought a new culture of people... a change in the climate... a new discovery. And with each new personal introduction I discovered a little bit more about me... I'm not so bad after all!
I also realized who is really a friend, foe, enemy, family, loved one etc... I discovered who really and truly cares about me. It's an odd sort of people who makes the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" popular. That statement is disheartengly true. People will forget you as soon as you move out of their comfort zone. Why do we expect others to crawl into our box and not get out? People aren't comfortable when you step out in faith and do what they are afraid to do. It's the crab mentality... that's why YOU have to follow YOUR own heart!
I've visited 5 states (maybe 6, I need to check) and numerous cities in just 3 months. In one day alone I enjoyed breakfast in Florida, lunch in downtown Atlanta and dinner in the lovely state of Alabama! I googled upon a church ministry that impacted me more than I ever expected... worked in salons that opened my eyes to some new ideas and concepts... met clients who encouraged my skills. Everyday was full of renewed purpose. I would have NEVER experienced days like that if I hadn't followed my heart. The person God created in YOU is too big to be chained to the demands of others!
So, here I am... traveling state by state back to my home of TX.... and I'm not dismayed nor am I discouraged... I'm ENCOURAGED. I'm sure their are those waiting in the shadows to say, "I told you so", but really what they will be saying to me is that they didn't have it in them to do what I did. And that's ok. I'm stronger because of the journey and wiser because I did it... ALONE... against all odds. I made it through! What started out as a moved evolved into a mission. God will always get His way! FOLLOW YOUR HEART to where ever God is leading you... don't allow others to hold you back. Do whatever it is to get the breakthrough you need and I promise you... you'll never feel the same again. You'll be glad you did... I am.
“veni, vidi, vici.”
Live a P.O.S.H Life!
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