Since my last blog post things have drastically changed in my life. It is absolutely amazing to me how time and chance can effect your life in ways that you never imagined.
I think we sometimes sit and think about what we would like to happen in our lives and how we would like them to happen.
But when we move out the way, sit back and say "I give", God steps in and takes our little plans and literally flips them upside down, we are in a place of total AWE!
I'm in awe of how my life has developed and progressed over the past few months.
I've made and implemented more major decisions in the past 12 months than most people in my circle of life will ever make in their entire lives!
Who do you know would just uproot their life and move over 1200 miles from home "just because" they've always wanted to?
Who do you know would risk their careers on following their heart?
Who do you know would leave family, friends, grand kids, children, just to explore an inner longing?
Not many.
But I wouldn't change one single thing. Because it is the culmination of those things and the choices collectively that brought me here. And here is where I've always initially wanted to be.
It's amazing how all things eventually come together again, and hopefully, they come together for the better.
Regardless of how things may seem to others, and I know in my case it seemed crazy, follow your passions, your dreams, your heart. You only have one life to live and its YOURS to live! Live it!
Embrace change, explore all the choices that lie ahead and enjoy the complexities of this life.
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