God is writing my life story...

Thanksgiving Day

I must admit, today has not went as planned. Up at 5am on the road to San An only to be in FW 8 hours later; nothing accomplished. LONG story. But no matter how upset I want to be, I am reminded that it can't compare to those who are much less fortunate than I am. So I'm thankful to God today for even waking me up this morning at 5am because He didn't have to; I'm thankful for my family who's spread out all over FW today but yet are still in the land of the living; Thankful for my new husband and our 1st Thanksgiving day together and so thankful for my mind being stable and able to once again give Him praise and remain humble in spite of myself. Happy Happy THANKSgiving day to you guys! 

60 days

Happy 60 Day anniversary to me!!

60 days ago I married my friend. My bestest. We have had a very short relationship having only started dating again in December of 2012 (first time was in 2008). But it seems like we've known each other forever.  Darren makes it easy to be comfortable and for me to be myself.

Embrace the changes, explore all the choices

Since my last blog post things have drastically changed in my life. It is absolutely amazing to me how time and chance can effect your life in ways that you never imagined.
I think we sometimes sit and think about what we would like to happen in our lives and how we would like them to happen.
But when we move out the way, sit back and say "I give", God steps in and takes our little plans and literally flips them upside down, we are in a place of total AWE!
I'm in awe of how my life has developed and progressed over the past few months.
I've made and implemented more major decisions in the past 12 months than most people in my circle of life will ever make in their entire lives!
Who do you know would just uproot their life and move over 1200 miles from home "just because" they've always wanted to?
Who do you know would risk their careers on following their heart?
Who do you know would leave family, friends, grand kids, children, just to explore an inner longing?
Not many.
But I wouldn't change one single thing. Because it is the culmination of those things and the choices collectively that brought me here. And here is where I've always initially wanted to be.
It's amazing how all things eventually come together again, and hopefully, they come together for the better.
Regardless of how things may seem to others, and I know in my case it seemed crazy, follow your passions, your dreams, your heart. You only have one life to live and its YOURS to live! Live it!
Embrace change, explore all the choices that lie ahead and enjoy the complexities of this life.

Being a Good Mentor...

I found this post on the US Chamber of Commerce website for women in business and wanted to share. Enjoy!

Did You Know It's National Mentoring Month?

Sarah Johnson |  | Comments (0)
John Crosby once said that mentoring is “a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” January is officially National Mentoring Month according to this Presidential Proclamation.   So now is the time to take a moment and help an aspiring entrepreneur or executive grow.
Here are some tips on being a good mentor.
  • Be a Role Model – Mentors look up to you; so give them a reason to. If you don’t act in a manner someone would want to emulate, then you probably aren’t mentoring anyone.  
  • Don’t Blow off Your Mentee – If you’ve embraced the role as a mentor, you’ve embraced your mentee. If you aren’t invested in your mentee, then you are just wasting her time.
  • Share – The mentee needs to learn from her mentor, what are you teaching them? Simply sharing your experiences and insights is more than enough, but you have to make sure that’s what you are actually doing – never assume.
  • Build Confidence – As a mentor, it is your job to help build the confidence of your mentee. Acknowledge their achievements and celebrate their success, you’d be amazed at how far a little positive encouragement can go.
  • Be Credible – If you’re willing to take on a mentee, that’s great! Do you, however, have the credibility? Mentors need to be established in whatever subject or profession they are mentoring in. If you lack credibility, you probably shouldn’t seek out a mentee.
  • Be Fair – You don’t have to be best friends, but you should be fair to your mentee. They are looking up to you for help in finding their way.
Want more advice? Check out additional Center for Women in Business blog posts on mentoring.
Posted in: mentoring